107 research outputs found


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    AbstractThe basic principles of the state in order to be operational must be spelled out in relation to the pattern of power between state institutions, Implementation of the explanation of relations is done through the constitution, the attitude for need of Indonesian citizens to understand in full and complete about the various relationships between state institutions in the perspective of the UUD NRI 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to know how the background or history of the Constitution. to know and analyze how the relation of state institutions today, and how the practice of institutional arrangements in the current era of reform., after being conducted four times the amendment of the Constitution. This research method used normative juridical. The result of this research is the natural implementation of law enforcement power, for example, even though it is determined that the power to make law is owned by DPR, but in its implementation requires cooperation with the co legislator, that is the President and the DPD (for the design of certain laws), a provision of law which has obtained the approval of the DPR and the President and has been ratified and make the law can say no legal force binding the Constitutional Court (MK), if declared contradictory to the  Constitution.  This shows a very serious problem with regard to the relation of state institutions after the amendment (post-reform). so the conclusion is that if the arrangement of relation of state institution fails to do, it will result in the weakening of the state system which is based on the principles of democracy, state law and constitutionalism. The function of each power must adhere to the principle of trias politics.Keywords: Relation, regulation, institution. AbstrakPrinsip-prinsip dasar yang ada di negara agar menjadi operasional, harus harus dijabarkan ke dalam relasi pola kekuasaan antara lembaga negara. Implementasi penjabaran relasi itu di lakukan melalui konstitusi. Bahkan, perlunya sikap warga negara Indonesia (WNI) memahami secara utuh dan lengkap mengenai berbagai relasi antar lembaga negara dalam perspektif UUD NRI 1945. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana latar belakang atau sejarah perubahan UUD NRI 1945, untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis bagaimana relasi lembaga negara saat ini, setelah dilakukan empat kali perubahan UUD NRI 1945 serta untuk mengetahui dan  menganalisis bagaimana praktek penataan kelembagaan di era  roformasi sekarang ini. Metode penelitian ini mneggunakan yuridis normative dengan alat pengumpul data melalui studi kepustakaan dan untuk menganalisnya menggunakan deskriptif analisis. Hasil penelitian ini adalah alam pelaksanaan kekuasaan pembuatan undang-undang misalnya, walaupun ditentukan kekuasaan membuat undang-undang duni­liki oleh DPR, namun dalam pelaksanaannya membutuhkan kerja sama dengan colegislator, yaitu Presiden dan DPD (untuk rancangan un­dang-undang tertentu), bahkan suatu ketentuan undang-undang yang telah mendapatkan persetujuan bersama DPR dan Presiden serta te­lah disahkan dan diundangkan pun dapat dinyatakan tidak mempunyai kekuatan hukum mengikat oleh Mahkamah Konsitusi (MK) jika dinyatakan bertentangan de­ngan UUD 1945. Hal ini menunjukkan persoalan yang sangat serius berkenaan dengan relasi lembaga negara setelah amandemen (pasca reformasi). Kesimpulan yaitu jika penataan relasi lembaga negara gagal dilakukan, maka akan berakibat pada makin melemahnya sistem ketatanegaraan yang di dasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip demokrasi, negara hukum, dan konstitusionalisme. Fungsi kekuasaan masing-masing harus berpegang pada prinsip trias politika.Kata kunci : Relasi, penataan, kelembagaan


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    The amendment of Article 1 Paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia indicates the affirmation of Article 4 Paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, namely the affirmation of a presidential government system by affirming the position of the President as head of state as head of government of government) can not be separated and elected directly by the people, so that the President has the authority as "the sobereigh executive" to run "independent power" and "inherent power", while establishing the separation of power in establishing cheks and balances among state institutions. Prior to the amendment of the 1945 Constitution, the institutional system adopted is the separation of power but is often referred to as the distribution of power. The President not only holds the highest administrative power (executive but also holds the power to form legislation or legislative powers together with the DPR as his co-legislator, while the question of judicial power (judicial in the 1945 Constitution before changes are made by a Supreme Court and other judicial bodies according to the law. Given the change of power of the formation of a law which was originally owned by the President to be owned by the House of Representatives based on the amendment of the 1945 Constitution, especially Article 5 paragraph (1) and Pasa1 20 paragraph (1), the so-called legislative body (main) DPR, while the executive is the President. Although the process of making a law requires the approval of the President, but the function of the President in this case is as co-legislator as the DPD for the material of a particular law, not as the main legislator. While the judicial authority (judicative conducted by the Supreme Court (and the judicial bodies under it) and the Constitutional Court under Article 24 paragraph (2) of the 1945 NRI Constitution. Structuring the building of presidential government system, as well as other state institutions (DPR, MPR, DPD, MA and MK) within the framework of the 1945 Constitution of 1945 should be harmonized and synchronized to prevent the occurrence of various disorders among state institutions


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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui pengaruh media elektronik LCD terhadap prestasi belajar Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar. Tujuannya untuk mengungkapkan pengaruh media elektronik LCD terhadap prestasi penggunaan belajar Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Siswa  kelas V Sekolah Dasar. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian pre-experiment yaitu rancangan penelitian eksperimen yang hanya mempergunakan kelompok eksperimen saja, tanpa kelompok komtrol (pembanding) sampel subyek dipilih seadanya tanpa mempergunakan randomisasi. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah “One Group Design Pretest-Postest”. Pembelajaran diukur sebelum dan sesudah pemberian perlakuan. Jumlah populasi hanya 25 siswa. Maka dalam penentuan sampel hanya menggunakan kelompok eksperimen saja tanpa kelompok kontrol (perbandingan), subyek  dipilih tanpa mempergunakan randomosasi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan  dengan mengunakan instrumen-instrumen yang sudah disebutkan diatas yaitu hasil ulangan harian siswa dan respon siswa/ pengisian angket siswa. Data yang dikumpulkan akan dianalisis secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Skor rata-rata hasil belajar IPS siswa yang diajar sebelum penggunaan media elektronik LCD (Pretest) Sekolah Dasar adalah bervariasi dengan hasil belajar rata-rata 71,4% dengan standar deviasi 7,788. Sedangkan Skor rata-rata hasil belajar IPS siswa yang diajar setelah (Posttest) penggunaan media elektronik LCD Sekolah Dasar adalah bervariasi juga dengan hasil belajar rata-rata 78,84% dengan standar deviasi 7,949. Berdasarkan pembahasan yang telah diuraikan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil belajar IPS meningkat setelah diterapkan penggunaan media elektronik LCD pada proses belajar mengajar. This research was conducted to find out the influence of LCD electronic media to the learning achievement of Social Science of Grade V Elementary School Students.  The objective is to reveal the influence of LCD electronic media on the achievement of learning Social Sciences of Grade V Elementary School students.  The type of research used is pre-experiment or pre-experiment research that is experimental research design which only use experiment group only, without group of controller (comparison) sample of selected subjects pickup without using randomization.  The design used is "One Group Design Pretest-Posttest". Learning is measured before and after treatment. The population is only 25 students. So in the sample determination using only the experimental group alone without the control group (comparison), the subjects were selected without using randomosatio . Data collection is done by using the instruments mentioned above that are result of student's daily test and student's response / student questionnaire filling. The data collected will be analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The average score of students' IPS learning outcomes taught prior to the use of electronic LCD media (Pretest) Primary Schools was varied with an average learning outcome of 71.4% with a standard deviation of 7.788. While the mean score of IPS learning outcomes of students who were taught after (Posttest) use of electronic media LCD Primary School is varied also with the average learning outcome 78.84% with standard deviation of 7.949. Based on the discussion that has been described, it can be concluded that the results of IPS learning increased after applied the use of LCD electronic media on the learning process

    Implementasi Metode Eksperimen pada Materi Pokok Suhu dan Kalor di Kelas VII MTsN 2 Palangka Raya

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan: (1) keterampilan psikomotor siswa tiap pertemuan dan (2) ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa setelah diterapkan metode eksperimen pada materi suhu dan kalor. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pra eksperimen menggunakan rancangan One-Shot Case Study. Penelitian dilaksanakan di kelas VII-D MTsN 2 Palangka Raya dengan siswa berjumlah 32 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar observasi psikomotor dan tes hasil belajar kognitif. Hasil analisis data  menunjukkan bahwa metode eksperimen membawa dampak positif terhadap keterampilan psikomotor siswa. Namun demikian, penerapan metode eksperimen masih belum mampu mencapai ketuntasan hasil belajar yang maksimal pada materi suhu dan kalor

    Application of Artificial Barrier as Mitigation of <em>E. coli</em> Which Pass through Riverbank Filtration

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    Water security in the water treatment plant has been doubted, and the treatment process may have given unreliable and unsafe water to the public. A newspaper reported on November 19, 2011, that laboratory tests on water samples in Kelantan for each year by the Ministry of Health have found harmful bacteria including Escherichia coli (E. coli) in the water samples. More worryingly, it was stated in a study that chlorine in water treated with high chlorine can be harmful to human health. In 2010, Malaysia has begun to approach a natural treatment technique, namely, riverbank filtration (RBF), and firstly used it at the Water Treatment Plant in Jeli, Kelantan, and Kuala Kangsar, Perak. RBF limitation is the invisible groundwater flow that makes it difficult to predict the transport of contaminants. Managing groundwater is important to ensure that water is aligned in compliance with government legislation and environmental protection. Due to that, this study suggests an implementation of an artificial barrier for microorganism in RBF to sustain the good water quality abstracted from the abstraction well. This pretreatment or purifying method is to improve the effectiveness of RBF in removing pollutants during shock loads and reduce the load placed in the water treatment process

    Philosophical Challenges in the Era of Industrial Technology Disruption 4.0

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    In the development of a world that is experiencing the intensity of technological disruption, which has actually broken down the boundaries of space and time, and has ceased various developments in the order of daily life. This confirms the need for a clear mindset that every development or dynamic of technology in the industrial era 4.0 is like a double-edged sword. In a sense, positive and negative impacts. The technological progress of philosophy responds back, that is, one way of doing philosophy in the midst of increasingly powerful industrial technological advances. At that point, it becomes a challenge for philosophy to carry out its function as a critic and as a contributor of constructive direction. The struggle of the 21st century is the progression of industrial technology; therefore, this reality is interesting to study/examine in such a way through a comparative approach, a reflective approach in photographing and articulating sharply “artificial intelligence” technology. The double face of the impact of technological disruption will ultimately remind us that “humans” will be the main determinant of all matters of life on this earth. Keywords: philosophy challenge, era of disruption, 21st centur

    Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) IPA Berbentuk Komik Berbasis Eksperimen Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Pada Materi Pesawat Sederhana

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kevalidan, keefektifan dan kepraktisan dari LKPD IPA berbentuk komik berbasis eksperimen yang dikembangkan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian pengembangan dengan model pengembangan 4D dari Thiagarajan, Semmel, dan Semmel. Model 4D memiliki 4 tahapan yaitu define (pendefinisian), design (perancangan), develop (pengembangan), dan disseminate (penyebaran). Tahap yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini hanya sampai tahap develop. Uji coba produk dilakukan di sekolah MTs Negeri 2 Palangka Raya di kelas VIII E. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah penilaian validator, pemberian tes hasil belajar kognitif, penilaian psikomotor, dan pemberian angket respon. Hasil analisis terhadap penilaian validator menunjukkan persentase 84,91% dengan kriteria sangat baik sehingga komik dinyatakan valid (layak). Analisis terhadap hasil belajar kognitif menunjukkan bahwa ketuntasan klasikal 32,43% dan persentase TPK yang tuntas 39,28% (keduanya kurang dari 75%) sehingga komik tidak efektif dalam aspek kognitif. Analisis terhadap hasil belajar psikomotor menunjukkan persentase rata-rata nilai keterampilan psikomotor setiap kelompok berada di atas angka 70% sehingga komik efektif dalam aspek psikomotor. Hasil analisis terhadap respon peserta didik menunjukkan presentase respon positif sebesar 83,57% sehingga komik IPA berbasis eksperimen dapat dinyatakan praktis

    Islamic Wealth Management And Corporate Governance

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    This paper aims to explore Islamic views on wealth (asset) management and look at good corporate governance. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative method with a literature review approach with data collection techniques namely literature study. The results of the study show that basically asset management in an Islamic perspective is wealth management which is seen as a process of ownership, consumption of wealth, and acquisition in accordance with sharia principles. Islam emphasizes the acquisition and utilization of assets in a lawful and best way. Wealth should not be left idle but must be productive, both in terms of obtaining assets and how to spend them, such as zakat, infaq, and alms. Corporate Governance in Islam is a process of managing assets in institutions or companies in accordance with Islamic principles. Where in the process must apply the principles that have been determined by the Shari'a, such as siddiq, amanah, tabligh, fathanah and so forth. So with the application of these principles, it is hoped that transparency, integration and accountability will be achieved in institutions or companies